Tuesday 22 April 2014

Bring it on!

In a few weeks I'll begin with my finals. First up it's an essay on four different dramas, one of which you probably all know - Hamlet, and if I have any Swiss readers, they probably know their playwright Friedrich Dürrenmatt and his Physics. Other two are also from out 2 famous Slovenian writers - Ivan Cankar's Kralj na Betajnovi (The King on Betajnova) and Drago Jančar's Veliki briljantni valček (Grande Valse Brillante). 

The main title is Man in the world. 


I have to say, all these months discussing all four works about topics every man and woman should read and think about.

For example, Physics discuss the responsibility of a scientist to mankind - to hide it, because he knows politicians would take advantage of it to make better weapons, or to let people use it like they know best. And since it was published in 1962, a year after the Bay of Pigs invasion you can sense the tension.

Or another one is that we are all living in a controlled world (if you know 1984, you know what I'm talking about, but there is a milder version in the Veliki briljantni valček) and we can't hide from it. We have no rights, no freedom of speech, no freedom to think. Do we really want to live in such a world?

Anyways, I think young, but not just young should read these books and compare our world with the fictional world. There aren't many differences, ...

I became such a reader..huh...